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How to Get Started and Make Money

How to Get Started and Make Money

At FindersFees, we’ve tried to make the process as simple as process. Signup, put in the relevant information that you would like others to know and get started. You can post your email or chat through the platform.

Many of the aspects are your business are optional to post. This is deliberate. This is because some people might have concerns about letting competitors know they are looking for partnerships.

Depending on what your company does, different types of partnerships might make sense. A lot of brick and mortar businesses will benefit from commissions/referral fees. Especially if there is some kind of mutuality agreement. The main point is to look for adjacent industries in your industry. If you’ve signed up and you are struggling to understand what qualifies as an adjacent industry, feel free to contact us.

Whether you sign up or look at the listings, we suggest you look at people in your local area. Also, beware of spam, which I am sure you all have been inundated with, offering services you don’t want or don’t trust.

When it comes to creating business partnerships, trust is essential. As the expression goes, “trust but verify.” Make sure you are actually speaking with a business representative whenever you post. If at any time, you find someone who is misrepresenting themselves, contact us immediately so we can permanently ban the scammer.

This platform is currently only for businesses in North America. If you are in a location outside North America and think this would be a good fit, please send us an email. We’re open to considering other locations.

Lastly, if you need help, advice or some type of connections or a higher level of anonymity, please contact us directly and we will see what you can do. This is fundamentally a platform designed for us and our clients, just as much as it is a platform designed for you.

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