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Why and how to use Finders Fees

What FindersFees is

Why and how to use Finders Fees

SEO, ads, VAs, cold emails, advertisements, LinkedIn outreach, influencers, TikTok and so much more. You've used them all, right?
However, a lot of us run small businesses that have adjacent services. For instance, if I run a web development agency, maybe I want to outsource designs. Maybe I am a cleaning agency but I also want to hire movers. You get the idea.
Use FindersFees to look for adjacent businesses, make that initial contact without having to mass email every small local business.
Find out what types of partnerships they are interested in. And for gods sakes, please make more money.

Why use FindersFees?

We are the only service
where you can find potential partners for free

About us

We are here to help you achieve your goals

We created this website because both the two founders and some of our clients need this service. We are not only creators of the website, we are also users. If you run into any trouble at any time, please contact us. We will fix it as quick as possible.
More than anything, we hope you all make great connections. And also, a lot of money.

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